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Almost D-Day!

It's almost D-day – we're not quite finished but we have boats which need to come in. The lads on site have been working like mad to finish off as much as possible but the dreadful weather earlier on in the year has meant we are two weeks behind with the buildings. But, as I've said before, all of the jetties are ready and waiting and yesterday our fuel pump passed its weights and measures tests so we can officially sell fuel. I felt quite daunted at the responsibility when Sue, Anthony (our relief person) and I received our "fuel pump training" yesterday. It didn't last for long though – it was too cold to feel daunted and there was too much else to do!

Our pump out was also being commissioned yesterday but there was a "last minute technical hitch" i.e it wouldn't work – this caused me much angst and I have to say the relief to find that it was working today was immense. Just to round things off and rachet up the stress levels we have been having a few "issues" with BT. Seems that despite talking to them from August last year, someone has "cocked up" in the office (their words, not mine), and part of our order hasn't been processed.

To cut a long story short, I have to thank Mark Jenkinson, our project manager, for helping to resolve the problem, and BT's 'Higher Level' team for working hard to find a solution, so at long last it looks like the phone lines will be in by early next week which means the wifi people can install their systems – good job really – I think that by the end of all this I'll need the internet to google for stress and anxiety cures (or a good case or two of wine!)

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