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Janet's Blog

Janet's Blog – Summer 2024

Janet's Blog What a grand time I've been having lately! Some time ago I had a phone call from Christine Cottrell – she and her late husband Rodney, a very dear friend of ours, set up the Audlem Lass Boat Service and also the Overwater Wheelyboat. This year is the 200th anniversary of the RNLI

Janet's Blog – Spring 2024

Well despite the weather it must be spring because both the Audlem Lass and the Wheelyboat are back in the water. Year in, year out the launch of those two little boats never ceases to bring a frission of excitement in the marina office – it really does make us look forward to the spring and summer.

Janet's Blog
Janet's Blog

What a whirlwind the end of 2023 has been! Christmas flew past in a haze of mince pies, mulled wine and tinsel (love it or hate it – nothing says Christmas to me more than tinsel, even though Carol in the office visibly shudders at the mention and daughter No.2 just rolls her eyes at me). I love the

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Janet's Blog

Janet's Blog Well it felt like summer was never going to get here, and then all of a sudden it was hot, really hot! It was so lovely to see the sun in September, but why oh why does it always have to time it for when the kids go back to school? That said this is a momentous time for us – Daughter

Janet's Blog – June 2023

As I write this, I’m sitting on the top step of the bridge over the marina entrance – we called it the Jubilee Bridge when we built it, as it was Diamond Jubilee year. We did invite HM to officially open it, and got very excited to received a Buckingham Palace embossed envelope – but it was

Janet's Blog – April 2023

It must be spring as I seem to be buying more and more seeds and flowers for our gardening club – they have the most amazingly green fingers so I simply can't complain. Every year they turn the garden by reception, and the area by our greenhouse, into a staggering array of colour. How come some people

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Janet's Blog January 2023

It seems a bit late now to wish you all a happy New Year – but there I've gone and done it anyway!! It seems to have been a mixed festive season for most, with lots of horrible cold and flu bugs going round.  We had a very old-fashioned family Christmas at the farm – we never go away as someone

Janet's Blog- Autumn 2022

What a glorious summer we've had! Actually, according to Angus a bit too glorious as everywhere is so dry and we're really struggling for grazing on the farm. I daren't say that too loudly in case I jinx us into having a really wet winter! Most of our site and a fair bit of the farm is on

Janet's Blog – July 2022

Janet’s blog, July 2022 As I’m writing this blog I’m sitting outside reception, watching a couple of moorhen chicks paddle past, and eating a Cheshire Farm honeycomb ice cream. It’s the hottest day of the year so far and absolutely beautiful. Probably because I’ve just

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