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Another busy week

It's been a busy week all round this week. The girls are still off school so I've been rather torn between the marina and home which has resulted in rather a few too many late night paperwork sessions. the dreadful weather at the start of the week finally subsided on Tuesday and Wednesday and we've been having the most beautiful spring weather ever since (long may it last!!) This has meant that the landscape gardeners have been able to come in and start the seeding of the promentaries and the grass seeds on the large areas that Angus sowed a couple of weeks ago are now up and getting greener and greener by the day. Even more exciting news is that our broadband connection has now been enabled so this means that we can now start getting the wifi system fitted.

Thursday I spent the day away from the marina washing the ponies and Friday was, as far as the children are concerned ,the most important day of their entire school holidays – the annual Pony Club show. If you picture the stereo typical cartoon of small child bouncing around on slightly rotund, long suffering and often slightly bad tempered pony you wouldn't be far wrong. I know we should try to take these things seriously but given that Anna's pony Teddy is only 8 hands high and looks like someone has chopped his legs off at the knee you definitely need to retain a sense of humour. After 4 hours of running around with Anna and Teddy on the lead rein I would have to concede that building a marina is so much easier!

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