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Back to the fold

I'm back! Well technically I've been in a out of the office a few times over the last week or so but to be perfectly honest I've really not been up to much. But now I'm starting to get some energy back and have realised that the mountain of paper work on my desk really won't just go away without some serious attention. So what's in my little stack – well, at the top are our booking forms for next year's Crick Boat Show. I can't believe it's that time of year agaun already – and it's very scary to think about booking something for next May!
On the home front I've not been able to drive for a few weeks or lift anything heavy so Angus has been on school runs and parent groom duty. Daughter no. 1 has been competing at dressage with Angus in tow as driver and groom – he freely admits to no equestrian knowledge whatsoever and watching him try and work out which way round the bridle goes is entertaining at the best of times. Both daughters have also been showjumping this week – with daughter no.2 borrowing a friend's pony. She's only ever jumped a round once before so it was a massive achievement for her to not only get round (although she did have a tumble in the clear round) but to win the class! By this time Angus had now well and truely got the hang of all this horse stuff and despite forgetting that he'd just let go of daughter no.1's horse to run to catch daughter no. 2 as she fell off he had pretty much nailed it!

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