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Could you believe it..

I never cease to be amazed by random conincidences in life and as everyone in the office will confirm get a bit over excited about them!  This week's "amazingly random moment" happened on Friday teatime.  Isabelle was going off to pony club camp and I rushed home to pick up her, the pony and the 10 tonnes of gear she had to take with her (including a wheelbarrow – I kid you not!) We picked up her friend's pony and off we went through Nantwich.  As we headed towards the aqueduct at the bottom of Welsh Row I spotted a boat just heading over....looked up...and there was Garry (our Caretaker), Julie, and of course Jenny the dog on nb Teila cruising gently over the bridge.  Much horn blowing and frantic waving ensued (on my part, not theirs!) and I was delighted to get a wave back....until I went under the bridge and wondered why that lorry driver in front of me had pulled over and was walking towards me as I waited to pull out past him.  He was shaking his head in a confused expression and and asking if he'd hit the bridge.............oops....

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