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Overwater Narrowboat Services

I'm sitting in the Overwater Coffee lounge with a customer who's feeling a bit flat...well his wheel is....and as I said to him, that's the trouble with cycling in the coutryside. Or, as he claims, it could be down to the farmer's leaving thorns to catch out unwary cyclists and in the process the Marina sells more puncture repair kits (or maybe that could be taking conspiracy theory a bit to far). Anyway, that's pretty typical of the type of conversations we have around here!
On the marina front it's been a busy week – we've taken over the running of the workshop this week so Overwater Narrowboat Services is born! We've got two really good engineers on board and the shed is now available for DIY bookings. My week has been a whirl of engine service check sheets, booking forms and the ordering of exciting items like fan belts and oil filters. My favourite item was the special bit of kit for measuring the specific gravity of coolant fluid to work out the level of antifreeze (never let be said don't lead an interesting life!!)

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Coole Lane

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