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Getting Connected

Angus and I got married on St Georges Day 20 years ago. I don't know where the time has gone. Two kids, 3 horses and 1 marina later we're both looking a little more grey than on our wedding photos! It's also now 8 years since we welcomed the first boats into Overwater and this time 8 years ago I was operating out of a small white porta cabin at the end of the slipway and really looking forward to moving into the marina facilities building. At the time Openreach were being a real nightmare and despite applying for a phone line the previous August were seriously dragging their feet. Eight years later they have surpassed themselves – we ordered a fibre optic to the property service in January 2017 and finally on the 20th April 2018 (some 14 or 15 months later) we're up and running. It took some doing (long phone calls, emails and nagging) and has definitely added a few more grey hairs but it now means we can upgrade the wifi system around the marina, which I'm particularly looking forward to as our broadband at home has about come to a standstill (apparently we're too far from the exchange). Back on the home front we had a very exciting time last month at the British Riding Club Winter Championships which took place at Arena UK in Lincolnshire. Daughter No 1 only went and WON the Novice Dressage test, and daughter No 2 and her pony jumped out of their skins to secure 7th place for the team from Nantwich Riding Club. It was a fab weekend, and we were quite comfy camping in the wagon although it would have to be said we would have benefitted from having some form of heating...hmmm, wonder if you can put a wood burning stove in a horse wagon??

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