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I often wonder if it's just us who have such varied days at the marina or whether it's the norm in other businesses too. On Sunday we had grown up stuff to do – we've been watching the weather forecast for days and have managed to hold off turning the water off until now, but with temperatures of -4 predicted for a number of days even the heat trace tape and the pipe lagging won't cope and we have to turn off and drain down to stop the pipes bursting. Monday we were contemplating what a wide range of personalities you tend to find on a marina – why has no-one written a sitcom on one yet?!
On Tuesday the conversation went a bit like this:
Janet "Ant, is that goose dead?"
Anthony "No, I think it's just sleeping"
Janet "Looks dead to me"
Anthony " It was fine when it flew down and landed"
Janet "Why is that crow plucking it then??"...............
Need I say more.....

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