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A hectic week

Wow – what a hectic week it's been, not really helped by the fact that it's half term and the children, refreshed fron their week away skiing, have been running around at a hundred miles an hour. It's been difficult to get onto site this week because construction sites and small children don't really mix so I've had to get my "marina fix" by tackling some of the paperwork from home.

I decided that the way to go was to write a list of all the things I need to do, so now I'm so organised I've even got "lists" to organise my "lists"! All I need now is a list of when I'm going to get all my other lists done (for anyone who has ever tried to organise their lives in this way – you'll know exactly what I'm talking about!!) One day I did get to site was on Thursday to meet the planners to finalise our landscaping scheme and check they are happy with our progress.

Not sure what it is about planners but I spent all Wednesday feeling like I was being called in to see the headmistress even though I knew I'd done nothing wrong all mixed in with that feeling you get when you're driving along and a police car pulls out behind you.......

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