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It's all glamour round here!

I lead such a glamorous life – one minute I'm at the cut and thrust of the business, working out cash flows and marketing strategies, then the next I get brought back down to earth to clean up the little accident left by dog in reception! Never mind, as my gran would have said "at least it knocks the corners off you!"
On a different note it's been a pretty traumatic week for us at home. Daughter No. 2's lovely little pony had colic last Sunday (tummy ache for those non-horsey people out there!), he got better on Monday and then much, much worse on Tuesday. We had to rush him off to the equivalent of A+E at Leahurst Vet Hospital on the Wirral and he was in intensive care for a good few days. On the Tuesday night they didn't know if he would make it through without surgery and we spent the night waiting for the phone to ring. Fortunately, being a hardy little lad, he's pulled through and we picked him up on Saturday. We're now treating him with kid gloves and if he was a human he would be thoroughly spoilt rotten! – he's very happy with the situation and I feel like I've had a week of complete stress and could do with a week in bed to recover! Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse we had two lots of people to look at daughter No. 1's pony which we're selling as she's grown out of him – and both of them wanted him (I should add at this point that he is a gorgeous little chap) – I should have been delighted, but it was gut wrenching to have to say to someone they couldn't have him and it's left us all feeling pretty glum).
On a much brighter note Angus and I are off to the North West Entrepreneur Awards on Wednesday night – we've been shortlisted for the Family Business and Retail and Leisure Business Awards. There's some pretty hefty companies also shortlisted so I'm not too hopeful we'll succeed, but it does mean a lovely night out in a glittery dress with my husband!

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