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Janet's Blog

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Janet's Blog

Well it felt like summer was never going to get here, and then all of a sudden it was hot, really hot! It was so lovely to see the sun in September, but why oh why does it always have to time it for when the kids go back to school?

That said this is a momentous time for us – Daughter No.2 has just done her A levels and finally left school (oh the joy of being able to book a holiday during term time). She had a fantastic time at the NSRA Junior International at Bisley in August (rifle shooting) and brought home a silver medal. She's off to university which seems very grown up and we'll really miss her sense of humour at home (and the fact she's really good at emptying the dishwasher).

Daughter No.1 has had a busy summer competing in dressage and coaching other riders. We're also all very excited as her mare has been scanned in foal so hopefully next June we'll be hearing the pitter patter of tiny hooves.

At the marina it's actually been fairly quiet with lots of people out cruising, which is lovely to see. The caravan pitches have been full and it's been lovely catching up with returning customers, some of whom have been visiting for years now.

Workshop have been busy with a little project we gave them – a few years ago we were given the stern end of a very old steel working boat. I've always planned to do something with it to turn it into a feature for the marina, but other than a vague idea of "some kind of seating area" we've never got round to it. This summer Matt and the team have taken the project on and completely surpassed any expectations I ever had – they've done a fantastic job! Matt and Joseph the welding, Jonathan the woodwork and Owen (with a little help from the wonderful Mr Russell) the painting and sign writing. I am so proud of what they've achieved. As I'm writing this, Angus and team are siting it opposite the Audlem Lass jetty and I have plans afoot for a cutting of a ribbon by someone who actually stood and steered it in 1972. If you get chance, come and have a look and admire the hand made rivets and beautiful steel work.

Elsewhere on site we have just welcomed a new tenant to Cafe at Bridge 80 – Martino, who has assured me he's keeping the home made scones (my favourite) and will be introducing a delicious new menu over the coming months, as well as some bistro nights – we can't wait – out waist lines are definitely going to suffer!

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