Well what a month of lovely weather! Our grass may be going brown and poor old Angus is tearing what's left of his hair out over what to feed the cattle but I just can't possibly moan about the weather. It's been a bit of a challenge getting enough water to the horses and the ground is too hot to do much work with them but I've still managed to go to a riding camp and the girls have been to both showjumping and dressage qualifiers on grass. At the marina it's been lovely to see everyone sat outside enjoying the glorious evenings. In the office we have a little moorhen who visits us around 5pm every day and sometimes even wanders in through the front doors. While it's so dry we're trying hard to use water sparingly and I can't help but feel a little sad when I still see people washing off cars and boats using drinking water – it's at a time like this when it should make you realise just how precious clean drinking water – definitely not something to be wasted. We've been been bringing spring water in from the farm to keep the new hedges and trees alive. The grass will re-grow, cars and boats will survive being washed in canal water, or staying a little dirty, and hopefully we'll all have enough safe, clean drinking water to go around. That said I'm sure this weather won't last for ever and we'll be back to the very British task of moaning about the rain!
01270 812677
OverWater Marina
Coole Lane