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Open Day Blues

It's our open day today and tomorrow – I usually really look forward to them but this weekend I have to confess to feeling just a little bit flat. I can't even say why really. It's now a year since Overwater opened, so I should be sitting back, feeling just a little bit proud, and planning lots of exciting things for the year ahead. Instead I have a bit of a flat feeling – like you do when you're run out of energy and you just want to go to bed – so there's only one answer – a takeaway and a bottle of fizz with my wonderful hubby to celebrate our wedding anniversary and a good night's sleep!

On a lighter note, it's school holidays at the moment so I had to take Anna (age 6) off to the cash and carry with me to buy some stuff for our shop. The shopping was easy – I just left Anna and the trolley in the isle which was floor to ceiling sweets with the instruction that she could choose one box, would have to pay for it herself, and would have to share, while I whizzed up and down finding all the other stuff I needed. When I finally got back to the trolley it was stacked high with Chewits, Haribos, lollies and goodness knows what else – at that rate she'd be on a sugar high forever! It took a bit of negotiation skills and distraction tactics to narrow down her selection but we got there in the end and she is now the proud owner of a box of 25 'flikit' lollies which she's busy sharing round her friends......can I have one please Anna??......

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