Just one thing to say to everyone who braved the weather for our Open Day yesterday (and in particular to Wendy, Mike and Henry – our friends who help us out) – THANK YOU!!! It was, once again, fantastic to meet those of you who have already booked (top marks to Paul and Karen who were making it their 3rd Open Day!) and also meeting lots of new people.
Now – back to exciting Marina business – today Rolec, who have put in the water and electrics, were comissioning the taps on each jetty bollard. It might only have been water coming out of a tap to anyone else, but to me it was a wonderful site – in fact I found it hard to contain my excitement and had to phone Angus to tell him (perhaps also providing an indication that, as some of my friends are now pointing out, I really do need to get a hobby!!)
01270 812677
OverWater Marina
Coole Lane