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Progress with footpaths and roads

Well – what an excellent week we have had with the weather. Everyone is now smiling on site and real progress is being made with the footpaths, road and most importantly the ground source heat pump coils. On Friday the Scottish Power electricity poles arrived for our incoming supply and I actually started to jump up and down on the spot with excitement (sad, but true!) Getting electricity to site has been one of the longest running saga's in the whole of our marina's development and it's not down to the people we have dealt with at SP being awkward in any way – quite the contrary in fact – it's simply that there seem to be an awful lot of processes you have to go through.

When the electric is all in and the bollards go live for the first time I definitely feel there is good justification for cracking open a bottle to celebrate!!

On a lighter note I had a phone message this morning from a friend in Audlem. It simply said "Do you want to go flying today?" Quick as a flash I called back and before I knew it I was helping to push a small airplane out of it's hanger and onto it's runway (a field just further down Coole Lane). Having had such a kind offer I didn't feel able to warn the pilot that I'm actually quite scared of flying so I climbed in, gritted my teeth and clung on to my digital camera. My knuckles may have been white by the time we left the ground but once airborne what an amazing experience!! We flew over the marina a few times and it looked fantastic. I even had a go at flying the plane (sort of) and needless to say, despite my initial concens that I was going to die we even landed safely (albeit with my eyes closed!!) Thanks Geoff – it was a fantastic expereince and one which I'll never forget!

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