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A sad end to the week

It's been quite sad at the end of this week – all but one of the men have moved off site. I've worked so closely with them for the last few months it was really quite emotional! On Thursday we had one of our final site meetings. It was at this point I had been expecting a bit of a ducking and in preparation I kept my Blackberry well and truly in my pocket because I knew they wouldn't chuck me in if I had it!! We all went out on Thursday night for a meal and a few drinks.

Needless to say Friday morning was a bit steady (why am I so useless at drinking ?! – my project manager jokes that two glasses and I'm drunk, three and I fall over!) I will have everlastng memories of some of the guys on site – all of whom have never failed to made me smile and enjoy each and every day of the build in some way or other. From Land and Water it will be Neil and naked Twister, for Yaryk it will be "Follow the meerkat", for Dave it will be brandy and port and for Mick it will be Haribos (thanks for saving me the cola bottles!!) And for all the lads at Kelson Sparkes – you'll never know just how much I appreciated your cheery wave or smile when I was wading around the site in steel toecaps encrusted with clay!

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