Well it's all been happening around here lately! I only mentioned to Angus that the main gates were looking a bit tatty and before I knew it he'd ordered some new ones – they look really great and he even managed to fit in my request for a pedestrian gate next to them. Out round site he's been even more busy upgrading the footpaths – see what you think next time you're here. It must be a sign of my age that I get so excited about new gates and better footpaths!! Everything is starting to wake up – the hedges are all bursting out and the blackthorn is blossoming (hopefully we'll have some decent sloes later this year as my sloe gin supply seems to have dried up). The gardening club are getting excited about planting things and I'm looking forward to everywhere finally drying up a bit. The dry early part of the winter has certainly come to an end in the last few weeks but at least the ducks are happy! Mind you things don't always go quite so smoothly. I'll leave you with a conversation I just had with Angus who called me to say "can you order a new ash bin?" me "why?", Angus "the one in the main bin compound got crushed", me "blimey!, how did that happen?" Angus "Er, I might have accidentally driven over it....with the tractor..."
01270 812677
OverWater Marina
Coole Lane