Gosh this week has gone quickly! Where does time fly to when you're so busy? The facilities building has been the centre of my universe this week. There seems to be a universal law in building projects which states that the last 5% of any builld will give you 95% of the stress!! When I realised I'd stopped sleeping at night because I was worrying about shower curtains and wooden beading instead of the bigger things like how to move 80,000 tonnes of clay, or how to get a long enough hose pipe to fill the marina, I knew it was time to get things back into perspective.
That said, no matter how much spin you put on them, snagging lists for building work have to be either the most demoralising or the most uplifiting things to complete (with a very fine line drawn between the two). Fortunately by the end of this week I felt a glimmer of optimism and realised that by and large we're pretty much finished. Even better news is that the commercial washing machine and tumble dryer have arrived and both are working wonderfully. We have specialist cleaners coming into the building on Monday and the office furniture on Tuesday. At this rate by Wednesday both Sue and I may have the office knocked into shape! We'll be completely spoiled – our own office, desks, chairs, computer – there's even carpet!!
01270 812677
OverWater Marina
Coole Lane