What a varied week I've had! It started off with a quiet day of accounts on Monday – I don't really mind bookeeping, apart from the fact all I ever seem to do is pay bills. Tuesday was a lovely day, spent catching up on bits of jobs and if I'm completely honest a bit of sitting around in the coffee lounge too (in my defence my stamina levels are still not up to scratch yet...but I'm working on it!) Wednesday I was invited to speak at a conference on Rural Entrepreneurship at Harper Adams University which was an improvement on Wednesday morning when I had a phone call from Angus to say he'd had an accident with the landrover and trailer – the kind of call which fills you with dread. Fortunately he wasn't hurt but had had a terrible experience. He'd been taking a trailer full of bull calves to Market Drayton when a pale blue transit type van pulled out of a side road from Coxbank right in front of him. Somehow he managed to swerve to avoid a collision but the trailer snaked and went straight over. After everything came to a standstill he looked in the mirror and saw a pile of black and white cattle on the road – which then promptly jumped up and started to run off following the van which left the scene without bothering to check if anyone was injured! To cut a long story short the cattle were found in a garden, Angus then managed to flag down a passing cattle wagon (also going to market) and hitch a lift for them. The men at the farm arrived with the Manitou to lift what remained of the trailer off the landrover and clear the road. The trailer is a complete write off, the cattle, apart from the odd scratch, were completely unharmed and we learned just how kind some people can be when you need help....and as for drivers who leave the scene of an accident without checking if anyone is OK....well I'll leave you to form your own opinion about that one.
01270 812677
OverWater Marina
Coole Lane