We have a full marina – full of ice cold water that is, and it looks even more fantastic than when it was half full (or should that be half empty??) We are now undertaking our "stilling test" which has always been something of an enigma to me.
The nice man from BW comes along with his paddling pool and fills it up. We then have to measure the depths of the marina, the paddling pool and the canal twice a day for the next fortnight to check that we don't have a leak. We also have to measure rainfall and wind speeds. The principle is that evaporation is relative to surface area and therefore (providing we don' t have a leak) the depths in the paddling pool and marina should only change relative to each other (are you still with me?) Anyway the upshot of all this is that by the 17th December we will have the results and if everything is fine I get to crack open the nice bottle of wine I was saving for Christmas to celebrate!
p.s if you're wondering about the photo above – it was sent to me by a concerned moorer. (I also have to confess that, yes, I did also tell our 4 year old that there are crocodiles in the canal (in the hope it might persuade her not to jump in)!!
01270 812677
OverWater Marina
Coole Lane