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Winter 2005 Blog


Janet's Blog – Winter 2025

What a cold but lovely start to the new year!

My Nan always used to say you need a cold spell to finish off the winter bugs and my goodness last night at -6 was certainly that. However, looking back, not wasn't quite as cold as the first winter the marina was open when the snow came down in the middle of November and we hit -15 on Christmas Eve – it didn't thaw until New Year's day!

At least now we're into January and the nights are slowly getting lighter. It's quite a challenge on the farm this time of year – there are no days off over Christmas and getting water to all the animals can be extremely challenging when everything is frozen. At the marina the worst mishap so far is Martino from Café at Bridge 80 accidentally driving off the road onto the grass when it was snowing – Angus gallantly towed him off and provided us all with a chuckle when he sneaked a "Please Stay Off the Grass" sign behind the counter of the café – just to keep him on the road in the future.

Speaking of the café, we had some excellent Christmas dinners there provided by Martino and his team and a super festive quiz run by David and Carol – which had us all scratching our heads for answers. The winning team definitely should congratulate themselves!! I'm sincerely hoping we can talk them into running another quiz night soon!

At home we had a lovely family Christmas with Angus's sister and family up from London. Christmas day involved a lovely walk down to the marina (it was a beautiful day here and an even more beautiful sunset) and a big family meal later at our house. Much food and drink were consumed which, thankfully we were able to walk off on Boxing Day – we're really blessed with footpaths in our area and it's great fun to do a different route each year – it generally involves mud and sometimes a stop off in a pub. New Year was spent with friends and it's daughter No. 2's birthday so always something to celebrate. I'm now looking forward to the year ahead – everyday is precious and I intend to make the most out of all of them!

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