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Winter Wonderland

Brrrrr, it's just a bit chilly out there and everything is frozen but everywhere looks so, so pretty. Today we have a brilliant blue sky and it's as still as can be, so if you're wrapped up it's lovely to be out and about. The only downside is that before I got the chance to turn the water off and drain everything down, everything foze up. It's my own fault – I was too much of an optimist and I was hoping to keep the water going for everyone for as long as possible.

Yesterday we managed to get a couple of taps running on block C and E and put some short hoses on so we could leave them running and stop everthing freezing up completely which was great until I discovered this morning that someone, presumably meaning well, had turned them all off and they had again frozen up – I was gutted!!! The children have been here today and have beaten me down over putting up the Christmas tree – so now we're all tinselled out, baubled up and listening to Bing Crosby who's dreaming of a White Christmas.......how long have we go to go.............

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