Our RNLI Festival is fast approaching and we are looking forward to another fantastic weekend. It is a two day festival with events and activities which include the Boatshare Boat Show (both days), our Saturday night 'bit of a do' featuring the Funky Choir and the wonderful singer Lucy Barlow. Sunday events include the popular Raft Race, barkingly great dog show, ferret racing and the ever popular Marquee Market as well as a range of displays from the RNLI.
Car Parking on Sunday the 8th September is £5 and all proceeds are donated directly to the RNLI.
We would also like to use this opportunity to make everyone aware that will be no parking on the reception car park on Sunday 8th September.
All cars currently parked on this car park will need to be moved off by the 7th of September.
Alternative parking will be provided on one of the fields.
01270 812677
OverWater Marina
Coole Lane