Possibly the smallest narrowboat on the network has recently become available for sale!
'Broke n Down' was hand-crafted by the engineers from Overwater Narrowboat Services to take part in this year's raft race at the RNLI festival; which took place alongside the Autumn Boatshare4u Boat show. This narrowboat marvel, and winner of the best-dressed category, was hand-painted and sign-written by Andy Russell and comes complete with mini-coiled ropes, chimney, and a mop and bucket.
The team who built it, affectionally known as 'Peeky's Blinder's' after workshop manager and mastermind Simon Peek, have decided to offer this unique, bespoke, raft to the highest bidder in aid of charity. All proceeds will be donated to the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI).
If you would like the chance to own this floating work of art, and to do your bit for the RNLI, you can make an offer by calling the Overwater office on 01270 812677 or email info@overwatermarina.co.uk.
01270 812677
OverWater Marina
Coole Lane