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Overwater Wheelybus Services


The Wheelybus has been limited to essential medical trips with suitable passenger spacing for the past year.

With restrictions easing, it should be safer for a disabled group of up to 6 people to be transported to Overwater Marina for a Wheelyboat trip or to any other local venue of your choosing. 

Currently, wheelchairs can be loaded and carried folded, but, at present, we are not able to safely install passengers who need to travel in their wheelchair.
As with the Wheelyboat, we are limited to the weekly days available, which unfortunately, is just every Wednesday for the coming months from July onwards. 

We just ask for a donation to help keep the service going.

For bookings, please contact John Kemble at czarptc@hotmail.com, leaving contact details.

Contact Us

  01270 812677

OverWater Marina
Coole Lane

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