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Janet's Blog

Unlocking my inner-child!

It's been a quiet few days on site. Most of the guys finished for Christmas last Friday with a select few staying on to put right some of the damage to the access road caused by the heavy lorries. It soon became apparent that in this frost any kind of spade work was impossible, so all that could

The Christmas party

Only a quick post today – largely on account of the fact it was the site Christmas party last night and after rather too much of the Christmas spirit I'm feeling just the tiniest bit of a hangover. I can at least console myself however with the fact that there were quite a few members of the team

A busman's holiday

It's been a few days since my last post – partly because we sneaked away for a weekend with the children before things get really busy. We had a lovely time even if it was something of a busman's holiday – we ended up looking round another marina and then took the children to meet Santa on a

Mud and my mother!

Just had to make an entry about today and not really about the marina – more about mud really and my poor mother. Mother has been desparate to see the marina with the water in and she and Isabelle accompanied me down to site this afternoon. She was thrilled to see it but, naturally, after the novelty

We have a full marina

We have a full marina – full of ice cold water that is, and it looks even more fantastic than when it was half full (or should that be half empty??) We are now undertaking our "stilling test" which has always been something of an enigma to me. The nice man from BW comes along with his paddling

Our basin is nearly full

I finally got to site just after lunch today. There was a biting cold wind and even Mick the site manager was commenting on how nippy it was. That said I was so excited about the water going in I couldn't wait to go and have a look. And it looks amazing! After all these months of planning and

The water is going in!

THE WATER IS GOING IN!!!!!!! There is no quieter way of saying that – it's very, very exciting to see the basin starting to slowly fill up. There is even a depth gauge nailed to the end jetty on Gentian. The children are hopping up and down with excitement and are starting to make helpful suggestions

First ever open day

Wow – what an amazing day we had yesterday at our first Open Day. We had no idea how many people to expect and I had even taken the precuation of taking some "light" reading along (tax and PAYE regulations)to keep me going during the quiet periods. The first car rolled up the drive at 9.50am

A monumental day

A monumental day today – on two accounts – firstly the frame to the workshop went up with the roof struts being put on with a very large crane. Secondly, and with great excitement, I signed our Network Access Agreement with British Waterways. What this means is that, as far as British Waterways is concerned

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