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News & Blog

2010 Open Day

Just one thing to say to everyone who braved the weather for our Open Day yesterday (and in particular to Wendy, Mike and Henry – our friends who help us out) – THANK YOU!!! It was, once again, fantastic to meet those of you who have already booked (top marks to Paul and Karen who were making it their)

Walking the cat...

It feels like ages since I've seen the marina without some covering of snow so when it all thawed this week, I couldn't get over how much greener everywhere looks – just makes you realize how it must feel for the people who live in places like the Alps where snow is on the ground for months

The big thaw!

At last, the big thaw! Well OK perhaps I'm getting too excited a little too soon, but today the temperature stopped being in minus figures for the first time in almost a week. On Thursday, when we hit -14 overnight, the lads on site gave up and went home. I think the final straw (apart from frozen)

Welcome to 2010

Well – here it is – the first blog of the new year! We celebrated in style at home with our own version of "I'm a Celebrity, Get me Out of Here". The dining room was turned into a credible jungle with the help of 5 packets of green crepe paper (courtesy of the paper shop in Audlem, where)

Post-Christmas blogging

Good news – the Christmas tree still has some of it's needles on and so far the fairy lights haven't stopped working. Christmas day was a frenzy of , excited children, food, more excited children and even more food. To work off the excess Boxing Day was elected to be a walking day. My brother

Merry Christmas

The mince pies are in the oven, there's tinsel all over the house, the children have reached fever pitch and I've picked up the largest turkey I've ever seen. It spent last night in the car because it was too big for the fridge and we're hoping we can just about squeeze it into the

Unlocking my inner-child!

It's been a quiet few days on site. Most of the guys finished for Christmas last Friday with a select few staying on to put right some of the damage to the access road caused by the heavy lorries. It soon became apparent that in this frost any kind of spade work was impossible, so all that could

The Christmas party

Only a quick post today – largely on account of the fact it was the site Christmas party last night and after rather too much of the Christmas spirit I'm feeling just the tiniest bit of a hangover. I can at least console myself however with the fact that there were quite a few members of the team

A busman's holiday

It's been a few days since my last post – partly because we sneaked away for a weekend with the children before things get really busy. We had a lovely time even if it was something of a busman's holiday – we ended up looking round another marina and then took the children to meet Santa on a

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